Monster Summoning Power Word Kill Meteor Swarm Power Word Blind Mind Blank Otto's Irresistible Dance Mass Charm Iron Skin Fire Touch Power Word Stun Mass Invisibility Delayed Blast Fireball Flesh to Stone Stone to Flesh Globe of Invulnerability Disintegrate Death Spell D: Protection from Fire D: Hold Animal D: Neutralize Poison D: Cure Disease C: Resurrection C: Destruction C: Energy Drain C: Restoration C: Blade Barrier Bestow Curse (Potion of Extra Healing) D: Cure Light Wounds (Potion of Invisibility) D: Charm Person or Mammal (Scroll of Protection from Dragons) Hold Monsters Feeblemind Cone of Cold Cloudkill Barkskin Remove Curse Minor Globe of Invulnerability Ice Storm Fumble Fire Shield Fear Dimension Door Confusion Charm Monsters D: Invisibility to Animals D: Faerie Fire D: Entangle D: Detect Magic C: Slay Living C: Raise Dead C: Flame Strike C: Dispel Evil C: Cause Critical Wounds C: Cure Critical Wounds C: Sticks to Snakes C: Protection from Evil 10' Radius C: Poison C: Neutralize Poison C: Cause Serious Wounds (Wand of Magic Missiles) (Necklace of Missiles) (Elixir of Youth) (Potion of Healing) (Wand of Paralyzation) (Javelin of Lightning) (Potion of Giant Strength) C: Cure Serious Wounds (Potion of Speed) C: Harm Slow Protection vs. Normal Missiles Protection vs. Good 10' Radius Protection vs. Evil 10' Radius Lightning Bolt Invisibility 10' Radius Hold Person Haste Fireball Dispel Magic Blink C: Bestow Curse C: RemoveCurse C: Prayer C: Dispel Magic C: Cause Disease C: Cure Disease C: Cause Blindness C: Cure Blindness C: Heal Strength Stinking Cloud Ray of Enfeeblement Mirror Image Knock Invisibility Detect Invisibility C: Spiritual Hammer C: Snake Charm C: Slow Poison C: Silence 15' Radius C: Resist Fire C: Hold Person C: Find Traps Sleep Shocking Grasp Shield Read Magic Prot. vs. Good Prot. vs. Evil Magic Missile Friends Reduce Enlarge Detect Magic Charm Person Burning Hands Resist Cold C: Protection from Good C: Protection from Evil C: Detect Magic C: Cause Light Wounds C: Cure Light Wounds C: Curse C: Bless